2019 CYIA Cookout & Stats
#cefjacksontn – Recently, we had a cookout to honor our summer missionaries. One of our committee members and his dear wife hosted us and did the grilling – thanks Steve & Kay Cooke! We invited the CYIA™ teens and their parents to come. Emily Ann Metcalf, our summer intern / missionary, was there too. We had a great time of fellowship, enjoyed scrumptious burgers, sides, and desert. Later in the evening, we presented them all with framed certificates as a memento of their service. You can see those in the photo gallery below.
We are very grateful for the hard work and dedication of these young people! Emily, Joshua, Caleb, Matthew, and Alyssa… you rock! This was Emily’s second year as the main teacher / leader for our Chapter and it was the first year for the others. I should note that due to family obligations, Alyssa could not be with us at the cookout, but I presented her certificate at her church. It was a good experience for all of us and we hope to see some of the teens back next year. Now, here are a few important points to not about CYIA 2019:
- We had four strong weeks of summer ministry.
- We ministered to 320 individual children. Six children accepted Jesus Christ as savior and we counseled dozens more for various things. There were a few days when we ministered to as many as 95 children in a day.
- We conducted 14 separate 5-Day Clubs… sometimes doing 4 per day!
- We ministered to children in 3 counties… Madison, Gibson, and Haywood.
- We partnered with Boys & Girls Club locations in Humboldt, Brownsville, and Jackson.
- We partnered with three different churches… two of them new to our program.
- We did one “old school” outside club in the front yard of one of our committee member’s home – thanks Michael!
Here are some photos of our team and the cookout fun! Alyssa is in the photo gallery too!