2019 GNGS #1 – Gallery
#cefjacksontn – MY GOODNESS! If you missed our first Good News Gospel Sing last night, you missed a blessing! We want to send our sincere “Thank You” to our friends the Barnett family and Earmark Trio. We even had a guest, Rusty Petty, join in for a beautiful rendition of God Walks the Dark Hills featuring Angie Arrington. That brought back a LOT of memories to me personally from the “good ole days” when I would hear Marcy Kelsey Beckett sing it at our Camp Meeting gatherings. Royce and Linda, it is wonderful seeing you with that BIG family of yours on stage still worshiping the Master! God bless you all for setting up and helping us tonight.
We also want to thank Chapel Hill Baptist Church and the staff & members who came to be with us. Dr. Dale Denning, thank you for emceeing the event and allowing me to join you and your dear wife in singing a few old Kindred Spirits songs. That also brought back some wonderful memories! Lastly, thanks to every dear soul who came out to share the evening with us and for those who gave to the ministry of CEF in West Tennessee. You are making a difference in the effort to win the hearts of the young!
Here are a few photos from last night and if you are interested and have a Facebook account, here is a link to a live recording of the evening: https://www.facebook.com/chbclife/videos/2084686304941261/