2023 CYIA Appreciation Cookout
#cefjacksontn – yesterday, we had a cookout to honor our summer ministry workers and volunteers. We have done this for the last few years and it is always a lot of fun. It was a warm day, but that did not stop our host from cooking up some awesome burgers, hotdogs, and brats. Add a few fixings and desserts and fellowship, well… there you have it, fun – food – full bellies! We do give special thanks to our hosts, Steve and Kay Cooke for allowing us to use their home and shed house for the gathering.
We celebrated our young people especially, since they were the core group to serve for six long, but good, weeks this summer. Watch the memory video in the link that follows to see all the names of the volunteers and an accounting of what was accomplished for the Lord through their efforts. I’ll also post a photo gallery below to show you what one of these events looks like. May God continue to bless our chapter with wonderful dedicated young people who are willing to serve… amen.
VIDEO LINK: https://www.cefjacksontn.com/2023-cyia-memory-video/
Photo Gallery