CYIA – Summer Ministry 2023 Recap
#cefjacksontn – This summer was an amazingly blessed season of ministry here in central West Tennessee. Although we started a bit slow, as far as building an adequate base of volunteers, God sent the help we needed to share the Gospel with hundreds of children. CYIA is designed to allow youth to step into the leadership role and lead our summer program called 5-Day Club. It is sort of like a traveling VBS.
Here is a report that gives you some statistics about the “numbers” side of things, but the real story lies within the lives that were changed forever. Some of those lives were our own. Below the report, you will see several photos taken throughout the six weeks we spent in the field.
- Children reached: 523 (heard a clear presentation of the Gospel)
- Professions of faith: 41
- Ministry sessions: 81 (clubs taught)
- Ministry locations: 14
- Counties worked: Madison, Crockett, Gibson, Haywood, and Chester
- Summer interns: 2
- Total volunteers / workers: 11
- Weeks in the field: 6
We would like to say a big thank you to all of the people who worked so diligently this summer. I’ll start by naming our two excellent interns, Hannah Wright and Eli Rogers. Next, I’d like to recognize the other teens who assisted as volunteers: Brayden and Isaac Entsminger, Mark Owen, and Caleb Santhosh. We also had a few adults join in to help as needed: Dinah Hufstedler, Amy Reed, Angela Okoth, and our new Club Coordinator, Patti Hale. You guys and gals were awesome!
For privacy reasons, we cannot give you the names of the children who got saved, but God knows them well, so please pray that these young souls will be blessed and find good church homes to continue their walk with Christ. We were able to connect many of them with various host churches. A big thank you also goes out to Bro. Barry Scott who wowed our kids during the last week of summer ministry with a Christian illusion show. Thank you brother!
Now, for the photos…