CYIA – Weeks 3 and 4
#cefjacksontn – It is amazing how fast the time is going! We have had four awesome weeks of ministry and continue to present our 5-Day Clubs® to about 70 children per day. During week three, we worked once again in conjunction with Boys & Girls Clubs in the area. We love these kids! Then in week four we worked with two unique groups. Each morning we were blessed to partner with Fellowship Bible Church South and take part in their first Super Summer Camp. Then in the afternoon, we ministered to a pre-school group that was filled with sweet children who were eager to hear about the love of Jesus. In week four, our fifth team member joined us.
I have to brag on our team for a moment, they have really done an outstanding job. They have adapted well to diverse settings and with varying age groups of children. CEF of Greater Jackson can certainly consider our team to be excellent in their desire to serve the children of our area. Most importantly, I have witnessed them pray with many children, answering questions that are not always easy to answer. Our lead teacher / counselor has led ten children to Christ for salvation thus far and many are moving closer to making that eternal decision. If you are reading this article, I ask you to especially pray for this last week of CYIA™. We will be leading clubs at an area church and then ministering to a group of about 25 children who are connected – many of them – to homeless families. Pray specifically for the Spirit of the Living God to touch their young hearts with the truth of the Gospel.
Below are a few photos in a gallery from weeks three and four.