Our chapter can assist with various types of children’s ministry training. Does your church have a need to provide new evangelistic tools to your paid staff, volunteers, and children’s workers in general? We have training seminars that can be held at your church campus. We also offer college level training during selective annual dates.
On top of that, our home office has a powerful 12-week children’s ministry program that is literally attended by people from around the world. This is our Children’s Ministry InstituteI® and is usually held in the Spring and Fall of each year at our international headquarters in Warrenton, MO. See below for more information about these different training opportunities.
Quick Start Training
This is training for new teams that are preparing to lead a Good News Club®. This training typically consists of a combination of live and online instruction that covers important topics like:
Custom / Mix & Match Seminars
This is a varied series of seminar type teaching that can be matched to your specific needs. Maybe your children’s church workers need to strengthen their counselling skills or broaden their Biblical view of child evangelism. Let’s talk together about ways we can come alongside your congregation to augment what you are alrerady doing.
Teaching Children Effectively™ (TCE™) Level 1
A practical learning experience designed to equip students with basic skills and effective methods to evangelize children and immediately begin a neighborhood or public school outreach ministry. Emphasis is placed on organizing and conducting meaningful classroom activities which can enrich children spiritually. In addition to regular course work, students are required to participate in teaching five children’s classes applying the methods learned in the course.
In addition, three required practicum sessions conducted during the course provide each student with evaluated experience in applying the theory taught.
TCE-1 is college-level instruction and has a cost associated with it. We often offer a combination of in-person and online classes to make it as convenient as possible to take the course. This is a 30-hour course.
Children’s Ministries Institute® (CMI®)
The Children’s Ministries Institute® exists for the express purpose of promoting the evangelization and discipleship of children around the world. This purpose is carried out primarily through training and equipping workers and leaders for Child Evangelism Fellowship® ministries.
In addition, those working in the local church and other mission organizations can benefit from the training which will enable them to minister to children in their sphere of influence.
Believing that ministry to children is crucial for world evangelization, the Children’s Ministries Institute:
Free Resources
One of the “best kept secrets” about our CMI website is that it contains a tremendous amout of absolutely free resourvces that anyone can take advantage of. All you have to do is sign up for a free account at the website to access them. It truly is worth it.