
Week 1 Summer Ministry Recap 2024

Our first week of 5-Day Clubs ® went great. We are thankful to The Boys & Girls Club of Humboldt for opening their space to us for the week. Week one’s team members were Gabe, Autumn, Dinah, and Randy. We also had the pleasure of 3 guests joining us from the Northwest Chapter (Paris) on Friday. Our youth team members did an excellent job even when the children got a case of wiggles.  

Throughout the week we held 19 sessions and witnessed to 70 children in total. During each session, the children enjoyed learning about the saving love of Jesus through the CEF® “One Way” summer series. Lessons are packed with games, songs, and activities that teach the children about the Gospel in an exciting and interesting format. The result was the planting of several seeds and 4 professions of faith. 

We want to extend a special thank you to Gladys Robinson for the invitation to participate in their summer program. Without her invitation, we would not have been blessed with the opportunity to share the Good News with the children that Jesus loves them and is the only way to everlasting life.  

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